Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Some things are hard

Today was a good day. Got a lot of stuff done, getting ready for Leadership Summit at Woodcrest is no small task, still I feel ready.  What I am finding about today is that I have had to do some hard things. Waiting to hear how things went for mom while not being able to get a hold of anyone was hard, talking to a friend who just had their first chemo treatment...that was really hard, having to go to bed without Brad and our nighttime prayer, well, that is hard too.  None of these things are earth shattering or Mars landing worthy but they are things that matter in my life.  I love my mother-in-law and want to hear that she is better, I love my friends and I don't know how to not look for a positive yet having to understand that the only positive right now is that she will get through this and that there will be difficult days. I love my husband. There is no greater sense of peace then when we climb into bed, say our prayers and I can snuggle in for the night. Safe and together.  I hope he is enjoying My Morning Jacket with Bentley but I am really looking forward to tomorrow when we are back in our routine. Does that make me sound old?

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